The extras of this template

September 16, 2015

This is a so called DIY blogger template. That means that you purchase the template file with instructions in the Dutch Lady Digi Design Etsy shop and then install it yourself on your Blogger blog site.

The template comes standard with a styled popular post gadget in the sidebar, an email subscription box, a search bar, an automatic pin it hover button on images, a blog post archive and a related post gadget underneath your posts. The related gadget post will only work when you add 'labels' to your blog posts. In the blog post footer a share icon will automatically appear that gives your readers the option to share your blog post on over 250 social sites.

Upon installation the menubar, title & tagline, post title, date header, post footer and sidebar titles will appear in the style as shown here. If you like this template but do not want to install it yourself you can contact me through my Etsy shop to purchase a so called add-on for the installation.

Give your blog a new look with this template

September 16, 2015

This is a so called DIY blogger template. That means that you purchase the template file with instructions in the Dutch Lady Digi Design Etsy shop and then install it yourself on your Blogger blog site.

The template comes standard with a styled popular post gadget in the sidebar, an email subscription box, a search bar, a blog post archive and a related post gadget underneath your posts. The related gadget post will only work when you add 'labels' to your blog posts. In the blog post footer a share icon will automatically appear that gives your readers the option to share your blog post on over 250 social sites.

Upon installation the menubar, title & tagline, post title, date header, post footer and sidebar titles will appear in the style as shown here. If you like this template but do not want to install it yourself you can contact me through my Etsy shop to purchase a so called add-on for the installation.
Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs